
NOTE: Temporary artwork & titles to convey the direction, style and feel of the stories.

Currently, the majority of Christian animation is cute cartoons with cute songs and simple lessons. The problem is we believe that animation is only for little kids. However, if we are to go into all the world, then we must also expand our audience to include young adults and adults. Animation is a mission field that should be explored deeper to reach more people for Jesus.

So how do we reach more people? 
By being specific. We must know our audiences. 

  • Westerners
  • North Americans
  • Ages 13 and up
  • Average movie goer
  • Fans of film genres – sci-fi, western, war epics, etc
  • Fans of good storytelling/character development
  • Pop culture enthusiasts

Which style of animation – hand drawn, claymation, or computer?
In order for the characters and environments to feel believable, photorealistic computer animation is necessary.

Is this a tv series, full length feature films or online only?
These are full length feature films for theater chains, ranging from 90 minutes to two hours. Eventually they will be available to purchase online.

What is the estimated budget for each movie?
Based on 90 minute feature length computer animated movies, the budget will be around $200 million per film. High quality production is a must. Western audiences are accustomed to big budget films that are planned out, creative and executed well.

Why not film live action instead?
Filming live action still requires computer animation. Computer animation allows for creative flexibility and control. We can create a visual style that is fantastic yet photo realistic to convey believable storytelling. 

Historically Christian movies are unpopular, how can we connect with our audiences?
The Bible is a perfect source for interesting and memorable stories. The difficult part has already been written. All we have to do is focus on presentation. 

How do we present Bible stories as entertaining movies?
Animation Ministry uses genres like dialects, to speak to specific people. Film genres help by setting a familiar tone and expectation for our audiences. Non Christians might be more open to watching a genre movie that just so happens to be based on a Bible story.

Do we only make Bible movies using film genres?
In addition to using film genres, we also use biblical settings. 

How are the film style and setting chosen?
Before each script is written, the story team (writers & pastors) pray for God’s direction.

Why should Christians support Animation Ministry?
The goal is to create an inviting experience that leads people to reading the Bible and attending church.

The goal of Animation Ministry is to show how the Old Testament foreshadows Jesus, his life and ministry through storytelling. A series of Old Testament movies lead to the grand event, the story of Jesus. Then the cycle begins again, using different film genres each time.

Mostly PG-13
The majority of Animation Ministry’s movies will be rated PG-13. However, depending on the story, the rating may be R.

In all movies there will be:
* Nothing contradicting to the Bible
* No sexually explicit content
* No explicit language

What about violence? 
Pain is the most visceral and relatable human experience, it would be a disservice to the source material to avoid it. For example, the stories of Samson and Jesus, would be less effective without showing any violence.
